Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunny day, one young man passes another on the sidewalk...
"That faggot plays alliance."

"This lady calls me one day and says, 'my spirit guide is the wolf, what journey do you recommend,' because I worked for a spa right, and for whatever reason, I don't know, they called the spa packages 'journeys'.  So she calls and says, 'my spirit animal is the wolf, what journey should I take?'  And I'm just thinking, any journey that gets you as far the fuck away from me as possible."

"Don't you think sometimes the best feeling in the world is just after you pee?"

As she barks into her mobile phone...
"No, mum wont give me my money!...
I'm having a shit morning.  I slept through my alarm and then mum called and said she spent my money...
I probably woke up the whole house with my yelling...
Oh, well I got woken up so I don't care...
No, she's so selfish..."

"I had a very relaxing weekend actually.  I saw someone get hit by a car."
"Oh my god, how is that relaxing?"
"Apart from that.  It was weird, you know, because I think they might have died."
"How do you know?"
"Well, it's the second time I've seen it.  There was this horrible sound, like a thud, and then there was this crowd.  Gathering.  And I saw him.  He had blood running from his head down the street.  It was awful."

"I couldn't even fight with him because he is too weak.  It's the worst defense, a coward's defense, hiding inside a broken down fortress."

The boy with his HSC english text...
"This book reads so slowly!  It's supposed to be a story but it's full of people having meetings.  I'm taking this book to the toilet.  I don't know how many pages might accidentally fall in."

"Hey do you have a hairdryer?"
"Oh, nothing."
"Yeah, I do, but I think it's broken."
"I don't have any socks."
"I left them in the washing machine, I was going to dry them with the hairdryer."

Soccer mums sitting by the oval...
"Bad luck, bad luck.  You're doing well darlin'!  She's playing well today isn't she?"

"They have to fight, it's so freaking cold.  Fighting makes you warm."

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